Friendly Reminder

Have you done anything useful for anyone today?


The picture was taken during my trip to Banjarmasin a few months ago. It was at Pulau Kembang, at the delta of Barito River which is also known for its floating market. See unique pictures of it here and here. The activity of the floating market only occurs for 1-2 hours right after sunrise (until around 7). It was the funniest breakfast experience I ever had, where we try to “catch” our foods and drinks from the “floating cafe”, altogether with people from other boats around us.

Anyway, one of the monkeys grabbed my Nikon lens cap (with string!) and until now my camera lens is still unprotected… Oh well.. Monkeys.

Indonesia, Malaysia, Pendet Dance, and Noordin M. Top

Here in Indonesia, we are familiar with the saying “tetangga adalah keluarga terdekat” (“our neighbors are our closest family”). When we run out of salt or pepper, sugar or spice, the first people we seek help from are our neighbors.

We were taught to help our neighbors when they get in trouble or undergo some sorts of difficulty and crisis (of course without crossing the line between being helpful and being a complete busybody :mrgreen:)

I guess I am glad that we still have such proverb to teach to our children. Thanks to our ancestors’ wisdom and our country’s highly rich culture; not only don’t we feel the necessity to claim other’s belonging to declare our national identity, we also still have enough shame not to do such despicable thing.

Which THANK GOD did not happen again recently =)

A firestorm of Internet outrage over the supposed theft of the Balinese pendet dance for a Malaysian tourism ad turned out to be just hot air on Monday, when the Discovery TV network owned up and said that the dancers had appeared in one of its own TV promotions, and it was all a mistake anyway.

Pendet is ours! Noordin M. Top is yours!” said one popular Twitter message, referring to the Malaysia-born terrorist suspect wanted in connection with the July 17 bombings in Jakarta.

Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific regrets that the image of a Balinese dancer, sourced from an independent third party, was used in the promotion of the series ‘Enigmatic Malaysia.’ The promotional clip has been removed from all feeds.


Because even though we were taught to always help our neighbors and share with them, I don’t think sharingnational treasures and a country’s territory is one of them. Innit that correct guvnah?


UPDATED 23 September 2009:

Noordin is dead, Alhamdulillah. Pendet is still Balinese, and I agree with some comments here saying all this can only be nonsense created to break us apart (Southeast Asian countries, particularly the ones with Muslim majority).

The truth is, Malaysia is the only country (other than Indonesia and Saudi Arabia) that provides washing up at the toilets. Shouldn’t that be telling a lot about who we are, how we live and respect ourselves? (sounds silly I know, but I mean this, people!) At least we clean ourselves up, so we must also remember to clear our hearts and minds, all the time.

It’s true that Indonesian media is open and very transparent-sometimes-provoking (especially after Soeharto era), which brings good and also bad. And yes it is our responsibility to be more careful in processing the informations given.

But referring to what is written above… we’re neighbors. We should love and respect and support each other. Neighbors shouldn’t steal from each other or call each other names. When some stranger from a faraway land visits your home and try to ruin your neighborhood, shouldn’t you unite with your neighbors and kick their sorry ass altogether?

And despite all these conflict, issue, name calling, and everything, most Indonesian girls still love VINCCI and Charles & Keith products anyway *wink*

So, peace please?

Indonesia Unite: Let’s Prove That It’s Not Just Nonsense

Stop talking about love. Every asshole in the world says he loves somebody. It means nothing. What you feel only matters to you. It’s what you do to the people you say you love, that’s what matters. It’s the only thing that counts.
The Last Kiss



People of Indonesia – Indonesian youngsters in particular, many are being skeptical watching this Indonesia Unite movement. They say that this is just temporary, and that it does not mean anything that we change our avatars into red and white, become a fan of a facebook page, et cetera et cetera…

Personally, I love seeing our country coming together into one like this. Cynics may say “Blah, what’s the point?”

But I say, if you love something, and you support (or fight against) something, then it’s good to let people know. But this is only a very tiny step, a baby step, that frankly, could mean nothing after all.

Imagine having someone who claims that they love you so much. You believe in their words, you trust them, and you enjoy hearing them say, whisper, or even shamelessly yell out loud:


Then one day you got hit by a car, or an insane-coward murderer tried to shoot you in the head. You got injured, you’re running out of blood and dying. But all that so-called “significant other” do is keep on yelling at everyone, claiming how much they love you.


The T-shirt has a picture of your face on it. But does it stop you from bleeding to death?

Indonesia is now crying, we are being humiliated by a group of irresponsible people (are they locals? our neighbour? is this an international scandal just to throw us back to square one? are they simply a bunch of Satan escaped from the lowest Hell trying to give us more trial to learn?). Wallahualam, God knows best.

After our peaceful, open, and democratic President election (mind you, non-voters, I’m ignoring your existence) last July 8th, a certain party feels like they need to make a scene, a coward scene where they don’t even have the balls to unveil their group’s identity. Travel warnings are being sent here and there (and we sadly can’t give any rational argumentation to convince them that they’re wrong and it is safe here). Sports and musical events and performances are being cancelled (and we can only hold grudges having our money being refunded). –Is any of you laughing out there? If so, maybe you should have your hearts and brains checked, are they functioning or just lumps of useless organs?

God I am so angry that I just want to scream and cry. And so are the rest of Indonesia.


You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Reality check. Kalau mau heboh membela negara sambil memproklamirkan rasa cinta kita, mungkin ada baiknya kita bersama-sama introspeksi diri dari hal-hal paling sepele.

Masih buang sampah sembarangan? Lempar-lempar sampah kaya orang udik ke jalanan/selokan?

Masih suka diskriminasi saudara satu negara? Menghina suku, agama, ras orang lain?

Masih gak mau dateng pas Pemilu? Beranggapan gak ada gunanya karena toh hidup di negara kita susah-susah juga (terus kalo gak make hak suara, menurut lo hak suara lo gak bakal disalahgunakan dan makin memperparah kondisi, gitu?)

Masih lebih seneng belanja ke luar negeri yang mengharuskan bayar fiskal yang bikin negara orang makin kaya?

Masih malu traveling ke daerah-daerah di Indonesia dan bangga berlebihan kalo bisa ke luar negeri?

Masih meremehkan hasil karya anak bangsa? Malu baca buku made in Indonesia?

Masih egois (walau manusia memang pada dasarnya egois) dan suka memerkosa, menyiksa, dan menindas hak orang lain? Nyamber-nyamber antrian atau melanggar peraturan?

Masih hobi nyakitin manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, atau ngerusak lingkungan?

Masih suka terlambat dan nunjukin etos kerja yang buruk dan males-malesan?*

*menohok diri sendiri

Kalau sudah punya kemampuan untuk benar-benar membuat negara kita lebih baik (buka lapangan usaha, bikin sekolah untuk anak-anak jalanan, dan lain sebagainya), ya lakukan saja tanpa harus gembar-gembor di dunia maya. Yang parah kan orang-orang yang cuma bisa sinis, skeptis, menganggap usaha orang itu sia-sia, padahal mereka sendiri tidak memberikan kontribusi apa-apa!

It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute… that give meaning to our lives.
-Tony Robbins

Hello, goodbye?

I’ve finally found some time to play with Photoshop again after so long (oh how I miss you… *SMOOCH*!!).. And I stumbled upon this really interesting website that tutors us how to edit normal pictures into vintage/lomo-esque style.

Fake, but it does work like a charm… don’t you think?










I always loved this one, but the mood is just not bold enough… I think the shades-contrast-tone helped make the photo much more dramatic.




Incheon International Airport, South Korea. I just wanted to see how it looked like in black and white.. And I love it!


















A cute couple hugging each other tightly at Nami Island (it was -15 degree Celsius after all!).
A bit off focus, and I totally went mad with the sharpness.. but why don’t I care? hehehe





Ahhh… I told you I LOVE June… In fact, I believe everybody does! (admit it now, people… =D)

I can’t believe it’s ending already in 24 hours time! Aaaaaa…. Bring me back my June!!!

PS: Please be decent and add this link if you want to copy the photos elsewhere. Thanks!

Sunset at Dreamland, Bali

Before departing to Bali, I have already developed this obsession toward Dreamland Beach. The beach is located on the Bukit Peninsula. Ride toward Uluwatu and you’ll get to Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue, which is located near Universitas Udayana. You will need to take rented car to get to Dreamland (or have someone take you there) and can’t depend on public transportations since the location is seriously far far away. Ensure that the vehicle is in good condition as well cos the route is not going to be pretty and smooth.

My disability to recognize routes and directions has forced me to put these links in order to help you understand how to get to Dreamland.

..same bay like bingin and impossibles.Drive the Uluwatu street (Jalan Uluwatu), direction Uluwatu and 3 Km before Uluwatu Beach you’ll have a big entrance, with no guards, on your right, to what was suposed to be a big private condominium made by the sun of former Indonesian President Suharto (he was arrested).You enter there and drive in direction of the sea, in the middle of the road you’ll have to pay some guys to let you in (not much) and then just follow the road signs..

..Riding along Jl. Uluwatu on the Bukit, one passes a grand looking entrance complete with statute. A long 4 lane road takes you down towards the coast, passing construction that seems to be frozen in time..

The beach is where some Indonesian “reality shows” take place (i.e. Joe Millionaire) and is also the location of a certain Indonesian actress’s infamous pictures (i refuse to make any comments on this).

Our plan to stay there from daylight to sunset failed miserably. Arriving already at 6pm, we wouldn’t waste any of our time and immediately took off to feel the soothing white sand and the relaxing waves on our feet (none of us are surfers so just witnessing the amazing view was enough for us).

picture taken by Rio Pranoto

My disappointment for not being able to enjoy Dreamland for hours was paid when we finally get to take amazing shots and created some sand angels 😀

Picture taken by Rio Pranoto

Anyway, here’s some tips for those who plan to go there:

1. Depart from Kuta around 11-12 if you plan to enjoy the sunshine and take pictures of the amazing blue sky (the journey takes about an hour from Kuta)

2. Prepare your vehicle, check the condition and assure it’s in a good condition. The road to the beach is all rocky and crazy. The roads before getting to the rocky road are long and tend to fluctuate (which means containing lots of ups and downs). Don’t let your vehicle overload unless you plan to slip your car all the way backwards and get stranded in the middle of nowhere.

3. After parking your car, walk to the northern side of the beach, cos the pathway is less steep and easier to go through.

4. Leave your high heels at home, at the car, or just throw them away on your way to the beach. There is no possible way you’ll be needing them anyway.

5. Spare a large space of memory on your camera, you don’t wanna miss the tiniest thing that happened in Paradise!

6. Bring extra clothes for change. Duh. (After sunset, clothes changing can be done behind the huge rocks around the beaches, it just doesn’t get any better than that hey :D)

7. If you’re too late and can only catch the sunset, then go for it! The view around 6.30 pm is the best. The clouds are just unbelievably beautiful.

8. Don’t even bother continuing your journey if the sun is all out. There won’t be anything left at the beach but Balinese dogs barking at you to leave immediately.

9. Don’t forget to take pictures on the rocks. That’s one of the most attractive parts of Dreamland.

10. Enjoy!

my “Lombok” clarification

There is this guilty feeling crawling up in my heart when I realized that lately people get to my blog by typing “Lombok” as their search keyword. My blog about Lombok was written in Indonesian and contains no information whatsoever.

So here is my honest knowledge about Lombok:

Other than daydreaming about it 12/7 and using the other 12/7 actually dreaming about it, plus some obsessive googling done months ago, I know nothing about that amazing travel destination.

It is less developed than Bali, which means less crowded visitors and less entertainment (which is my friend’s argument to switch our holiday destination BACK to BALI!). Not that I hate Bali or anything (instead I am rather ecstatic even just thinking about it now), but I always love visiting places for the first time or doing the smallest things I have never done before. Maybe that’s why I’m so obsessed about visiting Lombok. Well, if I believe it’ll happen, then IT WILL. So anyone who’ve been there, stories are always welcomed here!

Since I can’t give much information (and actually STOLE the pictures posted on that blog), here’s some sites that may be useful for people interested in traveling to Lombok:

there. hopefully the guilt stops now.

Exquisite Indonesia: Padang or Lombok?


click HERE for infos about traveling to LOMBOK.

oh God, why can’t i stop being distracted while writing my thesis?!! i just can’t. i need the TV to stay on, i kept googling, like i said, Indonesia beaches! haha.. mind the headline, gue lagi ngetes..apa blog gue ini searchable di internet, di search engine? karna masih cupu.. yah harap maklum yah..

duh kemana nih liburan ini?? padang atau lombok? karna si nane ternyata mo ngabur ke bali bulan depan! (sialaaaannn!! knapa bisa2nya lo berbuat seperti itu di saat2 penuh tekanan gini?! hiks..sirik) nah, kalo baru dari bali trus ke lombok kan kaya kurang variasi tuh..jadi mikir, apa mending travel Sumatera aja ya?? tapi takut juga sih kalo lagi gempa2 gini…. anyway ini beberapa foto pantai padang & lombok? which one to choose???? so syusyah deh bok kalo punya negara yang kaya raya dengan alam yang indah permai! hahahahaa…





but still…(as always, what would life be without contradictions right?) gue terganggu banget nih ama cuaca panas belakangan ini! bukan cuma panas, tapi lengkap dengan kelembaban udara ultra tinggi! kadar air 90% kayaknya, panas gila, it’s almost like hell!! oops, ga boleh berkata demikian, ga inget dosa ya?! tapi sumpah dehh… sometimes i wonder, orang2 yang tinggal di negara 4 musim, ato minimal subtropis aja deh… mo gimana pun life style mereka, apa pun yang mereka tanam untuk mereka tuai di akhirat nanti…. AT LEAST DI DUNIA MEREKA GA KEPANGGANG IDUP2, KEPANASAN TIAP HARI! i mean, kalaupun they end up in Hell, at least di dunia mereka idup tenang, ga kegerahan! sedangkan kita2 di khatulistiwa??? dunia jelas2 kepanggang, akhirat belom tentu nyaman di surga… in other words… apakah kita kena kutukan, “dibakar dunia-akherat”?!??!?!

life is unfair..